To the Journey Ahead


High Altitude Training (HAT), involves exercising in, living in or otherwise breathing oxygen reduced air for the purpose of improved athletic performance, pre-acclimatisation to altitude and physical wellness.


What are the benefits of Altitude Training?

High altitude training for horses provides numerous benefits, including increased red blood cell production for improved oxygen delivery to muscles, enhanced oxygen utilisation, strengthened lung function, higher anaerobic threshold, mental resilience, and accelerated recovery between workouts. These advantages contribute to enhanced endurance, stamina, and overall performance in equestrian competitions and activities.


How is High Altitude Training (HAT) conducted?

High altitude training for horses involves gradual exposure to higher elevations, controlled exercise routines tailored to their fitness level, adequate rest and recovery periods, close supervision by experienced trainers and veterinarians, proper nutrition to support increased energy demands, and incremental progression of training intensity. This structured approach helps horses adapt to the altitude, improve endurance and stamina, and enhance overall performance in equestrian activities.

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How do we assess your equine’s suitability for High Altitude Training

We assess your horse’s suitability for high altitude training through a thorough evaluation of its health, fitness level, age, temperament, and experience. This includes consulting with a veterinarian experienced in equine sports medicine and conducting a trial period of altitude training to gauge the horse’s response.


There is growing evidence that altitude exposure to horses has had beneficial effects for horses suffering from the plague and race bleeding.


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